The Peripheral Web is an amazing place, and it's much bigger than the core web, as much as 700,000 websites on Neocities, like this one, where you can see multiple space objects such as:

Loveweb inspired me to make this website, ever wanted to make something like this? well, check here!

Dont forget, we have a page for the farlands. Check it out here: farlands.html


Planets are giant bodies held together by gravity, here are alot of them!

Proxima Centauri b

Proxima Centauri b is the closest exoplanet to earth.


Proxima Centauri is a planet orbiting around Proxima Centauri, the third and smallest star of the triple star system Alpha Centauri.



Proxima b is a planet orbiting around Proxima Centauri at a distance of around 607⁄1250000 AU, with a margin of error of around 3⁄10000 AU.

Orbital Period

It takes 11 779⁄5000 to 11 2579⁄5000 days for Proxima b to Orbit Proxima Centauri.

Special Qualities

Proxima b is possibly habitable, and we could detect artificial lights there, which means... ALIENS! \n Although, the fact that it orbits a red dwarf makes it possibly a wasteland, due to solar flares stripping away it's atmosphere.

TOI-700 d

TOI-700 d is the most likely habitable exoplanet, orbiting far from a red dwarf star, so it won't get affected by solar flares, and close enough to not have the water freeze. It is also far away from TOI-700 c, the jupiter of the system with 7 earth masses, and as hot as 3206.85°C, classifying it as a hot neptune or "Hoptune"! How silly is that?


TOI-700 d is a planet orbiting around TOI-700, a red dwarf star.



TOI-700 d is a planet orbiting around TOI-700 at a distance of around 1633⁄10000 AU.

Orbital Period

It takes 37.4 days for TOI-700 d to Orbit TOI-700.

Special Qualities

TOI-700 d is possibly habitable, and we could detect artificial lights there, which means... ALIENS! Even if not, it could be another world for humans to colonize!


Stars are giant bodies held together by gravity, but they can sustain nuclear fusion! Here are some of them!

The Sun

The Sun is the only of our solar system.


The sun is in the solar system, which orbits the milky way galaxy.

Spectral Class

The sun is a G2V Class star, or a Yellow Dwarf star.

Special Qualities

The sun is the only reason of our existence!

18 Scorpii

Sun 2: Electric boogaloo.


18 Scorpii resides in the 18 Scorpii system, with 1 planet, most likely a super earth 6x the earth's mass..

Spectral Class

18 Scorpii is a G2V Class star, or a Yellow Dwarf star, just like the sun!

Special Qualities

18 Scorpii is virtually identical to the sun!

1. Scorpio Constelation, 2. A black and white image of 18 Scorpii, 3. An image of 18 Scorpii b.